Oct 19, 2015 | Prayer, What's happening?
“We want God’s best for our town and cities” If you are part of the Street Pastors network in any way – as a volunteer, a prayer pastor, or through a church that supports your local team – you are invited to join in with a national week of prayer, 24-31 October 2015.
Sep 15, 2015 | Prayer, Think about it
Tim, a street pastor in Melbourne, Australia, shares this story of a “dispiriting” encounter with a man with atheist views, and what he learned from it.
Aug 5, 2015 | Prayer
“I approached prayer pastoring in trepidation. In my mind I equated praying ‘all night’ with praying in the dark, in the cold, with my hands gripped tightly together. The reality has been enlightening!
Aug 5, 2015 | Events, Prayer
Ideas from our national Management and Coordinators training days
Coordinators and trustees from Street Pastors teams all over the UK met together in July 2015 for prayer and training. Here are some of the topics that were discussed in relation to prayer support for Street Pastors teams.