Feb 9, 2015 | Why Street Pastors?
Criticism of street pastors occasionally appears on the letters pages of local newspapers or online. Perhaps you’ve heard someone question the role of the street pastor, or even asked the questions yourself.
Feb 6, 2015 | Why Street Pastors?
This critic is arguing two things: first, that the people that street pastors help are not really in need – they are just drunk, cold or wearing the wrong shoes. Second, the critic infers that the care that street pastors provide is not needed and over-protective.
Feb 4, 2015 | Why Street Pastors?
In this series of blogs I will tackle some of these negative comments. In answering them my hope is to allow these observations to tell us something about how we relate to each other and how, through the Street Pastors initiative, we might be able to find new ways to talk about responsibility, community and the Christian faith.
Feb 2, 2015 | What's happening?
On Friday night the first 41 street pastors for the city of Coleraine in Northern Ireland were commissioned, along with eight volunteers who will pray for the team and the people they meet during patrols.