The blogs you liked best in 2015

#1 Normal guy thanks Street Pastors and 172 people comment (April 2015)

This was simply a post on, the social networking and news site, where registered members post content and registered users vote it “up” or “down”. The “normal guy” posted his thanks to street pastors in Glasgow … and a lot of people chipped in.

Award for Sheffield Street Pastors’ coordinator

Tricia Watts, coordinator of Sheffield Street Pastors, received an award for her work with Street Pastors at the Lord Mayor’s Civic Awards on 8 December 2015. Twenty-two people were recognised at the event, which was the first of its kind in the city. Recipients...

Rail pastors ready to depart in Reading

We’re delighted that 10 new rail pastors are ready for action, as part of Reading Street Pastors. Rail pastors are a reassuring presence to passengers and are ready to help any needy or vulnerable passengers on station platforms. The new group in Reading will be...