Dec 31, 2015 | What's happening?
#1 Normal guy thanks Street Pastors and 172 people comment (April 2015)
This was simply a post on, the social networking and news site, where registered members post content and registered users vote it “up” or “down”. The “normal guy” posted his thanks to street pastors in Glasgow … and a lot of people chipped in.
Dec 21, 2015 | Awards
Melva and Bob, street pastors with Gravesham Street Pastors, were presented with the Divisional Commander’s Award (Kent Police, North Division) at a special presentation at Cobham Hall.
Dec 18, 2015 | What's happening?
We’re delighted that 10 new rail pastors are ready for action, as part of Reading Street Pastors. Rail pastors are a reassuring presence to passengers and are ready to help any needy or vulnerable passengers on station platforms. The new group in Reading will be...
Dec 7, 2015 | Interviews, Think about it
We think this fresh and insightful view of Street Pastors in The Spectator is worth sharing. The feature is a response to the announcement by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucester of a £40,000 grant to cover training and resources for local Street Pastors teams.