Oct 19, 2015 | Prayer, What's happening?
“We want God’s best for our town and cities” If you are part of the Street Pastors network in any way – as a volunteer, a prayer pastor, or through a church that supports your local team – you are invited to join in with a national week of prayer, 24-31 October 2015.
Oct 16, 2015 | Safety partnerships
National Pubwatch (NPW) is a voluntary organisation that aims to help achieve a safe, secure and responsibly led social drinking environment in all licensed premises throughout the UK and thereby reduce alcohol-related crime.
Oct 14, 2015 | What's happening?
NCS (National Citizen Service) is a government-funded initiative that supports community engagement, social action and social mixing among young people aged 16-17 years.
Oct 12, 2015 | Messages of thanks
This message of thanks to Southend Street Pastors was given at a Police & Neighbourhood meeting.
Oct 9, 2015 | What's happening?
Cinnamon Network micro-grants of £2,000 are available for new church-based projects starting in County Durham. The grants have been funded by Durham Police who have selected new Street Pastors projects as eligible. The grants are available until June 2016 on a first...