This message of thanks to Southend Street Pastors was given at a Police & Neighbourhood meeting.

“The sergeant provided a very passionate recommendation about what we do and was talking about how valuable we were particularly in preventing emergency trips to A&E. He made the point that every flip flop given out was one less hospital trip, every piece of glass cleared up and removed was a weapon removed from the street. He also commented on the recent case involving a young girl, explaining just how horrible a situation that could have become and how, without street pastors, they would have had no idea about it.

“He explained that 80% of first disclosures to do with child exploitation come to groups such as Street Pastors – people who have the time to listen and who have the opportunity to build up trust with those who wouldn’t always trust the police.”


A message of thanks to Exeter Street Pastors from a Police Commander in Devon & Cornwall Police.

“I would like to thank you for your role in this year’s Fresher’s Week. [Many have been] complimentary about this year’s event. This is down to the coordinated planning and working in partnership to ensure a safe environment for students, and also the peace and comfort of the local community. I know that a lot of detailed planning went into this year’s event, and I would like to thank you for the work and effort that you and your staff put into the planning and implementation.

“Please can you pass on my thanks to the team for a job well done.”

Have you got a story about the night you met a street pastor? You can leave us your feedback and messages of thanks here.