Jun 27, 2017 | Press releases
26 street pastors from Chippenham, Warminster, Salisbury, Andover, bath, Southampton and Gosport joined together to serve at this year’s summer solstice where an estimated 13000 people attended. Invited once again by English heritage we mingled with members of...
Jun 26, 2017 | Press releases
Dear Lord, Life’s full of the unexpected those things that are unforeseen, Help us in times of hardship to willingly on you lean; As we pray for the London disaster where many lives were lost, We pray for those affected and those helping at some cost;...
Jun 23, 2017 | Press releases, Response Pastors
Great day in the best meaning possible, what a privilege to be there to serve the Lord with the hurting people . There were so many of them, to be able to show our love and care. How important a hug is and a shoulder to cry on. Great team. A few residents came, one...
Jun 23, 2017 | Events, What's happening?
In light of what our nation has witnessed in recent days, we would like you to join us as we unite our hearts in praying for our city and our nation.