Dec 18, 2017 | Response Pastors
We arrived at St Pauls at 10.30 am, and mingled with the fairly small crowd of onlookers. Everyone was behind the barriers manned by police who were appreciative of our presence. Assisted some tourists with photos and explained who we were and what we were there for....
Dec 11, 2017 | Press releases
I had the pleasure of Representing Ascension Trust tonight at Colchester 10th Birthday celebration led by Phil Sturgess, Stef Jones and Guy Main. 3 new SPs were commissioned to. Great support from church, council, Police, CCTV and SOS Bus. So exciting. God...
Dec 1, 2017 | Press releases
Street Pastors will be attending Stonehenge once again in partnership with English heritage to care listen and help at the Winter solstice. There are still a few places left on the team but time is running out to join us. If you are free on Friday the 22nd of December...