We are street pastors and out we will go
Walking in sunshine rain and snow
You will see us in Belfast each Friday and Saturday night

Walking the streets until it’s daylight.

We help the old we help the young
We help people who just need to get home.

You may see us with bottles and you may think

Are these people really on the drink?

We lift the bottles and put them away
So they cannot be used in a harmful way

We even give out many pairs of flip flops

These are received with gratitude when your feet hurt a lot

We have some craic and the nights they are long
And we even join in with the occasional song

But the question we are asked most often is how much do they pay?

The answer is simple, its nothing we say

The reason we do this and it is so true
That this is what Jesus would want us to do

We want to show God’s love by HELP, LISTENING and CARE

And spread the good news everywhere

So the next time you see us in Belfast town
Say hallo to us you’re sure to see us around.
Written by Carol Service, Belfast Street Pastors