On Easter Saturday night a team from Winchester Street Pastors left its base at 10pm as usual. As ever, they offered reassurance, safety and support by listening, caring and helping – offering lollies, flip flops, water and a listening ear.

What is not usual, is that this was a milestone patrol – the 500th – in the five years since the project was set up. During this time the volunteers have patrolled for over 13,000 volunteer hours, racking up some amazing stats along the way:

  • helping almost 700 people who had consumed too much alcohol
  • calming 250 aggressive situations
  • supporting 520 isolated or upset people
  • spending time with rough sleepers on 2,700 occasions
  • collecting 3,600 bottles and glasses, each a potential weapon
  • called to help by Police, door staff or members of the public 333 times
  • giving out 19,000 lollies and 1,800 pairs of flip flops!
  • giving out 330 support cards with useful phone numbers for specialist agencies.

Well done to all you – those who pray, those who patrol, those who manage and those who support you.

If you would like to find out more about Winchester Street Pastors you can find their contact details here.