Dear Friends

I’m not sure if you will all have seen the news that Mike Newberry will be given a Taunton Deane Citizenship Award later this month in reconition of his volunteer work over many years. The substantive nomination was for his work as a Street Pastor but mention was also made of his service as a Chaplain to the marginalised and time spent at Musgrove Park Hospital with the Chaplaincy Team there.

We are all immensely proud of Mike’s acheivement and Dave and Lisa Knight will be the official representatives of Taunton Street Pastors when Mike picks up his glass bowl and a cheque for a charity of his choice from the Mayor and her Consort!

Taunton Deane Citizenship Awards were set up many years ago to provide a local version of the honour system. Mike was one of a long list of nominees and was one of very few chosen against strong competition.

Every blessing


Adrian Prior-Sankey MBE
Lead Chaplain

Address: Taunton Team Chaplaincy, 1st Floor, East Wing, The Market House, Taunton, TA1 1JD
Phone: 07581 424420