On Saturday 22nd September 2018 Ascension Trust will be holding it’s Prayer Gathering and an Evening of Prayer, Worship and Celebration at St Peters Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton.

10:00 – 16:00 Prayer Gathering:

A united gathering together of churches, partners, Street / College / Rail / Response & Prayer Pastors, friends of Ascension Trust and all those part of our wider network. The event will seek to strengthen a healthy foundation of prayer across our networks through quality seminars and workshops on the topic of prayer. Speakers Include Rev Les Isaac OBE, CEO of Ascension Trust.

          Program Outline:

  • 09:00-09:45: Doors will be open for registration
  • 10:00: Morning worship, seminars & workshops
  • 16:00: Finish
  • Teas & coffees will be provided, but please bring a packed lunch
  • Ticket Price: Free

17:30 – 19:30 An Evening of Prayer, Worship & Celebration: 

Join with us for an evening of prayer, worship and celebration.

  • Ticket Price: Free

Do book your place asap and we look forward to seeing you there!

* Please note- You will have to have a ticket for each event if you will be attending both.

* Strictly maximum of two tickets per booking for the Evening of Prayer, Worship & Celebration

Do you have questions about Prayer Gathering & Evening Worship Celebration (Wolverhampton) 2018? Contact Ascension Trust

Registation: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/prayer-gathering-evening-worship-celebration-wolverhampton-2018-tickets-46647085689