Maidstone Street Pastors (the first initiative in Kent) celebrated our 10th Anniversary on Sunday 14th October 2018

Over 100 people joined us which included current and ex Street and Prayer Pastors along with some distinguished guests. We had a great time with some fantastic speeches and acknowledgements for the work we do.

Ex Bishop of Maidstone; Graham Cray and his wife Jackie Cray, were instrumental in getting Maidstone Street Pastors up and running back in 2008. We were fortunate that they could join us in this super celebration, they both gave great testimonies.
The Vine Church hosted the event which was led by Dave Creasey. Arthur Houston ‘interviewed’ some of our original volunteers: Graham Tanner, Ali Hayton, Annabelle Blackaby and Katy Rogers.

Management member and Church leader Mark Pavey had some fun answers to his questions to Eustace Constance (Ascension Trust), Insp. Mark Hedges (Police) and Maidstone Mayor David Naghi.

We were honoured to have the High Sheriff of Kent – Jane Ashton join us. Jane and husband Hubert have been out with us as observers and are keen to do so again!

The event also marked the first showing of our video. To watch this, just go to YouTube and search Maidstone Street Pastors, our video should be top of the list.

Picture courtesy of KM group