We suggest that the following two seminars at ‘virtually Keswick Convention’ would be most useful for Response & Street Pastors, to equip them further in their support of individuals & communities.

Seminar: Hope and grief

11:15am Tuesday 28th July 2020

Grief is an experience that affects us all. For some, our grief overwhelms us and we feel hopelessly alone. For others, we suppress our grief with a stoic

or overly positive disposition. But, what does it look like to genuinely ‘grieve in hope’ as the Bible encourages us to do? What difference does Jesus make to our experience of grief? How might we better comfort those who are grieving? In this seminar, we will explore these questions in light of the current pandemic, and see how Jesus not only uniquely comforts us, but will ultimately turn our grief into joy.

Please click on this link for preview: https://youtu.be/E09I7EugnEQ

Seminar: Sharing hope with friends (evangelism)

11:15am Wednesday 29th July 2020

Against the backdrop of a world scarred by COVID -19, the brightness of Christian hope shines distinctly above the noise of fear, uncertainty and death. In this very timely seminar, Kristi Mair and Andy Bannister will explore what is unique about Christian hope, especially in a coronavirus world. They’ll then share some very practical tools for how we can talk to our friends, neighbours and colleagues about the hope of the gospel. In a world in chaos where people are increasingly asking questions about hope, Andy and Kristi will equip you to share the difference that Jesus makes.

Please click on this link for preview: https://youtu.be/EXEbcAUzxfk

Response Pastor ‘initial’ training course

As times are still challenging because of covid19, regarding delivering personal training we are continually assessing when this will be possible again and will keep you updated, it is anticipated we will be able to run a course towards the end of 2020.