Saturday 28th January 2022 was a very special time of celebration and giving thanks to the Lord for 12 years of Street and Prayer Pastors in Tunbridge Wells, and 5 years of School Pastors in Wadhurst. Not being able to have such an occasion in 2021 we were wondering how many people from churches in the area would come and it was so encouraging to see a good number there, including leaders of churches too.
This was the first year when, following a very different number of months, there were no new Pastors to commission but it was a delight to recommission Pastors into this ministry for the coming year. There were 15 Street Pastors, 11 Prayer Pastors, 1 School Pastor and 1 Prayer Pastor for the School Pastor ministry at the Celebration on Saturday night. Plus 2 Trustees/Management Team who are not Pastors. 30 altogether were recommissioned and prayed for.
We cover a large area and with new clubs opening following the pandemic, we are looking at new opportunities to patrol in Tunbridge Wells especially being involved with summer festivals which are always well attended that take place in the Pantiles, and large local parks.
School Pastors too are in the process of setting up in Heathfield and looking for people to join this ministry.
Anwar Bourazza was our speaker and through his message we all left really encouraged and inspired to move forward in this ministry into 2022.