Ideas from our national Management and Coordinators training days
Coordinators and trustees from Street Pastors teams all over the UK met together in July 2015 for prayer and training. Here are some of the topics that were discussed in relation to prayer support for Street Pastors teams.
Set the value of prayer pastors within the culture of your team
One contributor expressed this in the words, “We are one team in two parts – on the street and in the ‘upper room’” (you can find the reference to Jesus and his disciples praying in the ‘upper room’ in Acts 1: 12).
Praying together in July 2015
Ideas to develop connectedness
- Send prayer texts so that people who are not able to come to the base can join in with real-time prayers
- Feed news to church networks
- Invite a prayer pastor to attend local church prayer meetings
Ideas to develop belonging and enthusiasm
- Have a prayer team social
- Make your environment a place people want to come to – with food, creativity, warmth, space and fellowship
- Commission and train prayer pastors
- Build faith (one woman became a prayer pastor, saying “I’ve come here to pray as God doesn’t seem to answer my prayers but he answers yours!”)
- Say “Thank you” to your prayer pastors
- Map the streets and get prayer pastors to do research and note things of relevance, e.g. history, crime patterns, people, demographics, etc.
- Send a prayer report to inform and encourage the next team on the rota
Visit our Pray page to find out more about the importance of prayer in the Street Pastors network.