“I approached prayer pastoring in trepidation. In my mind I equated praying ‘all night’ with praying in the dark, in the cold, with my hands gripped tightly together. The reality has been enlightening!

“We pray for the street pastors before they go out and they call in every 15 minutes with reports about what they are doing and what we can be praying for. In the meantime we chat, but it’s not just chatting. For me it’s special because it’s hearing other people’s perspectives on churches and ministry in our area.

“Far from being an uncomfortable experience, we love to provide refreshments for all of us in the team and we sometimes find that our table is literally groaning with food! It can be quite a social occasion!

“I think I can pray with much more boldness now. We’re all focused on the same thing, and I find the flow of information from the street pastors really useful, even if they are saying that the town is quiet tonight. Somebody might pray for something that leads us onto something else. It’s like throwing a stone into a pond – the prayers get wider.”

Faith on the Streets High Res

Extracted from “Faith on the Streets”
(Hodder & Stoughton, 2014).




Visit our Pray page to find out more about why prayer is part of the Street Pastors initiative.