“I never would have thought to ask for prayer,” said Kenny, but at the precise moment that three rail pastors stepped onto his train he heard the Lord’s Prayer playing on his MP3 player.

“The four of us huddled together and they prayed for me.”

“I have more than 350 media files on my device so the probability of that file playing at that time was tiny. I pulled out my earbud and let one of the pastors listen to what was playing. I told her God must be communicating with them!

“I want to say thank you to the rail pastors. Last night I spent one hour talking to my dad about what those guys prayed for. He lives in the US and I miss him dearly. My dad told me he would pray for me.

“I believe the rail pastors were instruments of the Lord, answering my dad’s prayers for me. Thank you, I am touched and humbled.”