
Two years ago I asked God what he wanted me to do next and he said he wanted me to take his love to the nation and call his sons and daughters back to him. He said he wanted me to take a bus done out as the Father’s House from Land’s End to John o Groats.  I said, ‘oh that’s a nice prophetic picture’ and he said, ‘No, I mean literally! First I want you to do the trip in a car and pray the Father’s blessing over the nation and call my sons and daughters back to me.’  I asked how many times we were meant to do the trip in prayer and he said 3 times. I have done the trip in prayer 3 times now praying the Father’s blessing over the nation and stopping in places along the way talking about the trip and of course about knowing God as Father.  When God originally said about doing it in a bus I imagined it would be a big bus like Cliff Richard in Summer Holiday!   However when we did the second trip we got to Land’s End and looked in the shops and God said to buy one of the toy VW campervans/micro buses.  I picked a red one up and he said, ‘No, get the yellow one(there was only one yellow one in the shop). I did and when I had bought it I asked him why. He said the yellow represented his glory and we would be carrying his glory through the nation and it was also the colour of hope and we were taking his hope to the nation. He told me that the vehicles were symbols of the sixties and he was redeeming the sixties and the children of the sixties.  My husband Colin would have been known as a child of the sixties having been a hippie then and being younger than him I was a literal child in the sixties(0-10).  He said this time we were going as hIs children.  He said they used to be known as love buses and we would be taking his love to the nation and the toy had the peace symbol on it and he said we were taking his peace to the nation.  This was the first time I thought he might want us to do the end trip in a yellow VW camper van.  On the third trip I felt as we were nearing Land’s End more and more certain God wanted us to do the end trip in a yellow VW micro bus and asked Colin (my husband) if he was equally as sure and he said no, but it could be.  We went into the shop and there was only one t-shirt with a yellow VW camper van on it and God told me to buy it. It was my size!  I did and by now I was 100% convinced, though Colin not quite as much. On our way from there to KIngsteignton where we were staying overnight (a 3 and a half hour journey) we passed 60 VW camper vans.  They weren’t in convoy and they weren’t all going in the same direction.  This just doesn’t happen normally!  Colin was finally convinced as it was like God was saying “how many times do I have to tell you?”  Earlier this year God also asked me to get towns through the nation giving out the Father’s Love Letter in the same month (October), so I believe God wants us to do the final trip in a yellow VW camper van during the month of October.We don’t have one, neither do we have the money for one.  Please can you pray God provides and if you happen to know anyone who has a yellow VW camper van they are willing to loan us or any ideas on how to get one please let me know!  Please pray for the fulfilment of this vision.  If you would like updates please let me know and I will be happy to keep you updated.

I know you have been interested in the vision in the past .Thank you for your prayers, gifts or having us to stay or speak.  You have partnered with us and we are truly grateful and any fruit is as much yours as ours  as we couldn’t have done the trips without you.  We don’t know if God wants us to own a VW camper van or loan or hire one and I am sure He will make it fully known.  In a sense the quickest option would be to hire one. This would cost £3,500 which consists of the hire cost, fuel, food, inside temporary additions to turn it into the Father’s House and food and insurance.  The easiest or cheapest option would be for someone to loan or give us a camper van of course! At the moment we don’t have a penny toward this camper van.  Please pray for provision for this and how if in any way God wants you to participate(e.g.prayer, maybe you know someone or you have a camper van in yellow you can loan us or donation).  Please pray for us to be able to fulfil the vision God has given us.  If we were to buy a van they cost between £10-!5,000 for a 1970s one or between £35-45,000 for a brand new one according to the model.  Please pray we are absolutely sure which way of having a VW van we adopt. If we owned one we would use it in ministry and God has shown us how but that doesn’t necessarily mean we are meant to own one right now for this trip.  So, in summary, the minimum cost will be £3,500. To believe for this amount is stretching our faith but God has always been faithful to provide for previous trips and I know he will be faithful to provide now.

Although we are saying it is to be a yellow camper van if you have or know of a van that can be donated to the ministry but is a different colour we have someone who has said they will spray it yellow for us.

Once again thank you so much and we are honoured to have you partner with us for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom and his Glory.  It is all about him.


Wendy Thomas